3 Experts give you their Top 5 Tips for Getting your Health Goals on Track Madeline Calfas gives us her top 5 tips: Be realistic When it comes to your goals, keep it real. Whether it is weight loss, or muscle gain, or just improving your health overall, you are not going to be [...]
Tag Archives: motivation
What do you do when you lack the motivation to work out? Motivation can be a fickle friend. Sure, it wants to be besties when you’re just starting out, have a new goal, or start a new program, but how about three or four weeks in? Suddenly it’s not so keen to hang out with [...]
We all need a little motivation in getting to the gym sometimes. It’s normal. We are human. So while we are sure you’ve seen hundreds of motivational videos on Youtube, we came across this one last week that made us feel stronger by just watching it! Check it out before a workout today or this […]
Miss MuscleBox Trainer: Sharnie Cocks Why did you become a personal trainer? Exercise and working out is something that has helped me overcome some hurdles in my life. During these times I decided to put my energy and focus into my own health and it really did change my life for the better. From here [...]